
Troops are used for defence and attack as well as carrying loot. Troops do not count towards your population figures, but they all consume crop whether at home or out moving (though their host must feed them when they are in another village as reinforcements).

How to get troops


Each building that can produce troops works on one unit at a time, but all buildings act simultaneously. Units whose construction has been ordered are queued within each building. So, for example, you might have a queue of 20 Phalanx and then 10 Swordsmen in your Barracks, and a queue of 15 Theutates Thunder in your Stable. Both troop queues will be built in parallel, and you will see Phalanx and Theutates Thunder appear in your village (and start eating your crop) as soon as each one is finished.

Basic statistics

Gaul Troops[]

Troop Att-Pwr Att. / Upk. Def-I D. Inf. / Upk. Def-C D. Cav. / Upk. Pop-small Speed Carry 6 Clock-small
Phalanx 15 15 40 40 50 50 1 7 35 315 0:21:40
Swordsman 65 65 35 35 20 20 1 6 45 535 0:30:00
Pathfinder (Scout) 0 0 20 10 10 5 2 17 0 380 0:28:20
Theutates Thunder 1005025 12.5 40 20 2 19 75 1090 0:51:40
Druidrider 45 22.5 115 57.5 55 27.5 2 16 35 1090 0:53:20
Haeduan 140 46.66 50 16.66 165 55 3 13 65 1965 1:05:00
Ram 50 13.33 30 10 105 35 3 4 0 1910 1:23:20
Trebuchet 70 11.66 45 15 10 1.66 6 3 0 3130 2:30:00
Chieftain 40 10 50 12.5 50 12.5 4 5 0 144650 25:11:40
Settler 0 0 80 80 80 80 1 5 3000 22700 6:18:20

Roman Troops[]

Troop Att-Pwr Att. / Upk. Def-I D. Inf. / Upk. Def-C D. Cav. / Upk. Pop-small Speed Carry 6 Clock-small
Legionnaire 40 40 35 35 50 50 1 6 50 400 0:33:20
Praetorian 30 30 65 65 35 35 1 5 20 460 0:36:40
Imperian 70 70 40 40 25 25 1 7 50 600 0:40:00
Equites Legati (Scout) 0 0 20 10 10 5 2 16 0 360 0:28:20
Equites Imperatoris 120 40 65 21.66 50 16.66 3 14 100 1410 0:55:00
Equites Caesaris 180 45 80 20 105 26.25 4 10 70 2170 1:13:20
Battering Ram 60 20 30 10 75 25 3 4 0 1830 1:16:40
Fire Catapult 75 12.5 60 10 10 1.66 6 3 0 2990 2:30:00
Senator 50 10 40 8 30 6 5 4 0 140450 25:11:40
Settler 0 0 80 80 80 80 1 5 3000 23800 7:28:20

Teuton Troops[]

Troop Att-Pwr Att. / Upk. Def-I D. Inf. / Upk. Def-C D. Cav. / Upk. Pop-small Speed Carry 6 Clock-small
Macemen 40 40 20 20 5 5 1 7 60 250 0:15:00
Spearman 10 10 35 35 60 60 1 7 40 340 0:23:20
Axeman 60 60 30 30 30 30 1 6 50 490 0:25:00
Scout 0 0 10 10 5 5 1 9 0 360 0:23:20
Paladin 55 27.5 100 50 40 20 2 10 110 1005 0:50:00
Teutonic Knight 150 50 50 16.66 75 25 3 9 80 1525 1:01:40
Ram 65 21.66 30 10 80 26.66 3 4 0 1720 1:10:00
Catapult 50 8.33 60 10 10 1.66 6 3 0 2760 2:30:00
Chief 40 10 60 15 40 10 4 4 0 114300 19:35:00
Settler 10 10 80 80 80 80 1 5 3000 25000 8:36:40

Hun Troops[]

Troop Att-Pwr Att. / Upk. Def-I D. Inf. / Upk. Def-C D. Cav. / Upk. Pop-small Speed Carry 6 Clock-small
Mercenary 35 35 40 40 30 30 1 6 50 290 0:13:30
Bowman 50 50 30 30 10 10 1 6 30 370 0:18:40
Spotter (Scout) 0 0 20 10 10 5 2 19 0 380 0:22:40
Steppe 120 60 30 15 15 7.5 2 16 75 895 0:40:00
Marksman 11057.5 80 40 70 35 2 16 105 1050 0:41:20
Marauder 180 60 60 20 40 13.3 3 14 80 1760 0:49:50
Ram 45 15 30 10 90 30 3 4 0 1820 1:13:20
Catapult 45 7.5 55 9.17 10 1.66 6 3 0 2910 2:30:00
Logades 50 12.5 40 10 30 7.5 4 5 0 117600 25:11:40
Settler 10 10 80 80 80 80 1 5 3000 20900 8:02:30

Egyptian Troops[]

Troop Att-Pwr Att. / Upk. Def-I D. Inf. / Upk. Def-C D. Cav. / Upk. Pop-small Speed Carry 6 Clock-small
Slave Militia10 10 30 30 20 20 1 7 15 150 0:08:50
Ash Warden 30 30 55 55 40 40 1 6 50 420 0:22:00
Khopesh Warrior 65 65 50 50 20 20 1 7 45 650 0:24:00
Sophu Explorer (Scout) 0 0 20 10 10 10 2 16 0 380 0:22:40
Anhur Guard 50 25 110 55 50 25 2 15 50 1090 0:42:40
Resheph Chariot 110 36.67 120 40 150 50 3 10 70 1800 0:54:00
Ram 55 18.33 30 10 95 31.67 3 4 0 1990 1:20:00
Stone Catapult 65 10.83 55 9.17 10 1.66 6 3 0 3250 2:30:00
Nomarch 40 10 50 12.5 50 12.5 4 4 0 160000 25:11:40
Settler 0 0 80 80 80 80 1 5 3000 19000 6:53:20

Spartan Troops[]

Troop Att-Pwr Att. / Upk. Def-I D. Inf. / Upk. Def-C D. Cav. / Upk. Pop-small Speed Carry 6 Clock-small
Hoplite50 50 35 35 30 30 1 6 60 440 0
Sentinel (Scout) 0 0 40 40 22 22 1 9 0 445 0
Shieldsman 40 40 85 85 45 45 1 8 40 530 0
Twinsteel Therion 90 90 55 55 40 40 1 6 50 795 0
Elpida Rider 55 22.5 120 60 90 45 2 16 110 1440 0
Corinthian Crusher 195 65 80 26.66 75 25 3 9 80 2315 0
Ram 65 21.66 30 10 80 26.66 3 4 0 1705 0
Ballista 50 8.33 60 10 10 1.66 6 3 0 2750 0
Ephor 40 10 60 15 40 10 4 4 0 114290 0
Settler 10 10 80 80 80 80 1 5 3000 19995 0


Interpreting the statistics

Notes on troops speed:

  • Speed is the number of fields (tiles) a unit can cover in an hour. The higher the speed, the faster the troops will reach their target.
  • Siege weapons, such as catapults, move slowly. Players may be able to guess that a catapult attack is incoming, from the long time it takes in reaching them.
  • Conquerors (Chief, Senator, and Chieftain) also move slowly, although the Gallic Chieftain is notably faster than the other two.
  • Cavalry is generally faster than infantry.
  • The three fastest units belong to Gauls: Druidrider, Pathfinder, and Theutates Thunder.
  • For Romans, the fastest units are the Equites Imperatoris and Equites Legati (Scout). If you are looking for defence reinforcements from your alliance, it may be best not to ask Romans because Praetorian are one of the slowest moving troops. Phalanx or Spearman from the same distance will reach you much sooner.
  • Paladin are the 'Teutons' fastest troop.
  • Troops will move up to three times faster beyond the first 30 fields of their journey if you have a level 20 Tournament square.

Additional offensive analysis including off/upkeep and off/training time is available here

Notes on carrying capacity:

  • All attacking troops who survive an attack or raid will carry off as many resources as they can.
  • Settler's can be used during raids to carry huge piles of resources, but strategically, this is not a recommended practice due to the risk of losing the settlers to unexpected reinforcements.

Notes on build time:

  • The times listed are for a level 1 building of the appropriate type, even if a higher level building is actually needed to build the troops. (E.g. a level 10 Residence or Palace is required to build a Settler, so the build time will always be considerably less than shown.)
  • Every Barracks level upgrade reduces the build time by 10% from the previous level. (A level N Barracks has a build time multiplier of 0.9^(N-1) which is 0.135 at level 20.)
  • The same formula is used for the Stable, Workshop and Residence/Palace.

Advanced statistics

This table shows some statistics which are derived by simple calculations from the basic statistics table above. Explanations follow the table. Because of the nature of these figures, only regular infantry and cavalry units are included here.

Gaul Troops[]

Attacking Defending Raiding
Unit Attack
Per Rsc
Per Upk
Per Hr
Per Upk
Per Upk
Per Upk
Carry * Fld
Per Hr
Per Carry
Phalanx .048 15 41.5 40 50 90 210 10.5
Swordsman .121 65 130.0 35 20 55 270 11.9
Theutates Thunder .083 45 104.5 12.5 20 32.5 1425 14.5
Druidrider .041 22.5 50.6 57.5 27.5 85 560 31.1
Haeduan .071 46.7 129.2 16.7 55 71.7 845 30.2

Roman Troops[]

Attacking Defending Raiding
Unit Attack
Per Rsc
Per Upk
Per Hr
Per Upk
Per Upk
Per Upk
Carry * Fld
Per Hr
Per Carry
Legionnaire .091 40 72.0 35 50 85 300 8.0
Praetorian .065 30 49.1 65 35 100 100 23.0
Imperian .117 70 105.0 40 25 65 350 12.0
Equites Imperatoris .085 40 130.9 21.7 16.7 38.3 1400 14.1
Equites Caesaris .083 45 147.3 20 26.25 46.25 700 31.0

Teuton Troops[]

Attacking Defending Raiding
Unit Attack
Per Rsc
Per Upk
Per Hr
Per Upk
Per Upk
Per Upk
Carry * Fld
Per Hr
Per Carry
Clubswinger .160 40 160.0 20 5 25 420 4.2
Spearman .029 10 25.7 35 60 95 280 8.5
Axeman .122 60 144.0 30 30 60 300 9.8
Paladin .055 27.5 66.0 50 20 70 1110 9.1
Teutonic Knight .098 50 145.9 16.7 25 41.7 720 19.1

Huns Troops[]

Attacking Defending Raiding
Unit Attack
Per Rsc
Per Upk
Per Hr
Per Upk
Per Upk
Per Upk
Carry * Fld
Per Hr
Per Carry
Mercenary .121 35 155.6 40 30 70 300 5.8
Bowman .135 50 160.7 30 10 40 180 12.3
Steppe .135 60 180 15 7.5 22.5 1200 11.9
Marksman .1095 57.5 166.9 40 35 75 1680 10.0
Marauder .102 60 216.7 20 13.3 33.3 1120 22

Egyptian Troops[]

Attacking Defending Raiding
Unit Attack
Per Rsc
Per Upk
Per Hr
Per Upk
Per Upk
Per Upk
Carry * Fld
Per Hr
Per Carry
Slave Militia 0.067 10 67.9 30 20 50 105 10
Ash Warden 0.071 30 81.8 55 40 95 300 8.4
Khopesh Warrior 0.100 65 162.5 50 20 70 300 14.4
Anhur Guard 0.046 25 70.3 55 25 80 750 21.8
Resheph Chariot 0.061 36.7 122.2 40 50 90 700 25.7


  • Attack Per Rsc is the unit's attack value divided by its total build cost. This value indicates the resource efficiency for building offensive units. The higher this value, the more bang you get for your buck.
  • Attack Per Upk is the unit's attack value divided by its crop upkeep cost. This tells you how expensive it will be to keep these units around. The higher this value, the more power you can afford to support when you hit your crop limits.
  • Attack Per Hr is the unit's attack value divided by its build time. This tells you how quickly you can build a "hammer" using this unit. The higher this value, the faster you can crush your foes (if you can afford it).
  • Def-Inf Per Upk is the unit's infantry defense divided by its crop upkeep cost. The higher this value, the less crop production you need for a standing infantry defense.
  • Def-Cav Per Upk is the unit's cavalry defense divided by its crop upkeep cost. The higher this value, the less crop production you need for a standing cavalry defense.
  • Def-Tot Per Upk is the unit's total defense (infantry plus cavalry) divided by its crop upkeep cost. The higher this value, the less crop production you need for a defense against mixed forces.
  • Carry * Fld Per Hr is the unit's carrying capacity multiplied by its speed. This tells you how good the unit is at "farming" resources via raids. The higher this value, the better this unit is at farming.
  • Cost Per Carry is the unit's build cost divided by its carrying capacity. This tells you how many full-resource raids a unit must complete to pay for its own build cost. The lower this value is, the more quickly the unit pays for itself.

It is important to note that improvements in blacksmith and roman Horse Drinking Pool have significant affects on offensive statistics and rankings. Some graphs showing the changes caused by the two building are shown here
