
To max out your resources means to reach the greatest production possible for a city.

Maxing out resources in a capital city can be a long, painful, and expensive process that can leave you vulnerable to enemy attacks. If the player does not belong to a very large (perhaps the largest) alliance or if the player's city is not located very far from other large players the city is at risk of takeovers and farming. It is highly suggested the player use gold to speed up the process as some final upgrades without gold can take well over 300 hours to complete making it impossible (or nearly so) for this accomplishment.

This is not a guide on accomplishing a max out, but advanced information to educate you on what is a possible maximum level for each resource in a capital city. This information assumes you have gold and use it to complete upgrade tasks immediately.

Maximum Resource Level[]

In the following tables you will see how many granaries and warehouses are required to complete the maximum resource upgrade level, the maximum possible level will always be in bold italics font. Anything after that will require Great Granaries and Great Warehouses, if the required space is available.


Level Wood Clay Iron Crop Warehouses Granaries Spots Filled Great Warehouses Great Granaries
1 70 90 70 20 0 0 0 - -
2 115 150 115 35 0 0 0 - -
3 195 250 195 55 0 0 0 - -
4 325 420 325 95 0 0 0 - -
5 545 700 545 155 0 0 0 - -
6 910 1170 910 260 1 0 1 - -
7 1520 1950 1520 435 1 0 1 - -
8 2535 3260 2535 725 1 0 1 - -
9 4,235 5,445 4,235 1,210 1 1 2 - -
10 7,070 9,095 7,070 2,020 1 1 2 - -
11 11,810 15,185 11,810 3,375 1 1 2 - -
12 19,725 25,360 19,725 5,635 1 1 2 - -
13 32,940 42,350 32,940 9,410 1 1 2 - -
14 55,005 70,720 55,005 15,715 1 1 2 - -
15 91,860 118,105 91,860 26,245 2 1 3 - -
16 153,405 197,240 153,405 43,830 3 1 4 - -
17 256,190 329,385 256,190 73,195 5 1 6 2 -
18 427,835 550,075 427,835 122,240 7 2 9 3 1
19 714,485 918,625 714,485 204,140 12 3 15 4 1
20 1193195 1534105 1193195 340915 20 5 Possible 7 2
21 1992635 2561960 1992635 569325 33 8 Possible 11 3
22 3327700 4278470 3327700 950770 54 12 Impossible 18 4
23 5557255 7145045 5557255 1587785 90 20 Impossible 30 7
24 9280620 11932225 9280620 2651605 150 34 Impossible 50 12
25 15498630 19926810 15498630 4428180 250 56 Impossible 84 19


Level Wood Clay Iron Crop Warehouses Granaries Spots Filled Great Warehouses Great Granaries
1 40 100 50 60 0 0 0 - -
2 65 165 85 100 0 0 0 - -
3 110 280 140 165 0 0 0 - -
4 185 465 235 280 0 0 0 - -
5 310 780 390 465 0 0 0 - -
6 520 1300 650 780 1 0 1 - -
7 870 2170 1085 1300 1 1 2 - -
8 1450 3625 1810 2175 1 1 2 - -
9 2420 6050 3025 3630 1 1 2 - -
10 4040 10105 5050 6060 1 1 2 - -
11 6750 16870 8435 10125 1 1 2 - -
12 11270 28175 14090 16905 1 1 2 - -
13 18820 47055 23525 28230 1 1 2 - -
14 31430 78580 39290 47150 1 1 2 - -
15 52490 131230 65615 78740 2 1 3 - -
16 87660 219155 109575 131490 3 2 5 - -
17 146395 365985 182995 219590 5 3 8 2 1
18 244480 611195 305600 366715 8 5 13 3 2
19 408280 1020695 510350 612420 13 8 Possible 5 3
20 681825 1704565 852280 1022740 22 13 Possible 8 5
21 1138650 2846620 1423310 1707970 36 22 Impossible 12 8
22 1901540 4753855 2376925 2852315 60 36 Impossible 20 12
23 3175575 7938935 3969470 4763360 100 60 Impossible 34 20
24 5303210 13258025 6629015 7954815 166 100 Impossible 56 34
25 8856360 22140900 11070450 13284540 277 167 Impossible 91 56

Clay Pit[]

Level Wood Clay Iron Crop Warehouses Granaries Spots Filled Great Warehouses Great Granaries
1 80 40 80 50 0 0 0 - -
2 135 65 135 85 0 0 0 - -
3 225 110 225 140 0 0 0 - -
4 375 185 375 235 0 0 0 - -
5 620 310 620 390 0 0 0 - -
6 1040 520 1040 650 1 0 1 - -
7 1735 870 1735 1085 1 1 2 - -
8 2900 1450 2900 1810 1 1 2 - -
9 4840 2420 4840 3025 1 1 2 - -
10 8080 4040 8080 5050 1 1 2 - -
11 13500 6750 13500 8435 1 1 2 - -
12 22540 11270 22540 14090 1 1 2 - -
13 37645 18820 37645 23525 1 1 2 - -
14 62865 31430 62865 39290 1 1 2 - -
15 104985 52490 104985 65615 2 1 3 - -
16 175320 87660 175320 109575 3 2 5 - -
17 292790 146395 292790 182995 4 3 7 - -
18 488955 244480 488955 305600 7 4 11 - -
19 816555 408280 816555 510350 11 7 18 - -
20 1363650 681825 1363650 852280 18 11 Possible 6 4
21 2277295 1138650 2277295 1423310 29 18 Possible 10 6
22 3803085 1901540 3803085 2376925 48 30 Impossible 16 10
23 6351150 3175575 6351150 3969470 80 50 Impossible 27 17
24 10606420 5303210 10606420 6629015 133 83 Impossible 45 28
25 17712720 8856360 17712720 11070450 222 139 Impossible 74 47

Iron Mine[]

Level Wood Clay Iron Crop Warehouses Granaries Spots Filled Great Warehouses Great Granaries
1 100 80 30 60 0 0 0 - -
2 165 135 50 100 0 0 0 - -
3 280 225 85 165 0 0 0 - -
4 465 375 140 280 0 0 0 - -
5 780 620 235 465 0 0 0 - -
6 1300 1040 390 780 1 0 1 - -
7 2170 1735 650 1300 1 1 2 - -
8 3625 2900 1085 2175 1 1 2 - -
9 6050 4840 1815 3630 1 1 2 - -
10 10105 8080 3030 6060 1 1 2 - -
11 16870 13500 5060 10125 1 1 2 - -
12 28175 22540 8455 16905 1 1 2 - -
13 47055 37645 14115 28230 1 1 2 - -
14 78580 62865 23575 47150 1 1 2 - -
15 131230 104985 39370 78740 2 1 3 - -
16 219155 175320 65745 131490 3 2 5 - -
17 365985 292790 109795 219590 5 3 8 - -
18 611195 488955 183360 366715 8 5 13 - -
19 1020695 816555 306210 612420 13 8 Possible 5 3
20 1704565 1363650 511370 1022740 22 13 Possible 8 4
21 2846620 2277295 853985 1707970 36 22 Impossible 12 8
22 4753855 3803085 1426155 2852315 60 36 Impossible 20 12
23 7938935 6351150 2381680 4763360 100 60 Impossible 34 20
24 13258025 10606420 3977410 7954815 166 100 Impossible 56 34
25 22140900 17712720 6642270 13284540 277 167 Impossible 93 56

Translating The Charts Into Actions[]

As there are only twenty slots in a normal village, to construct Level 19 fields, it is necessary to demolish every other building to fit the 12 warehouses and 7 granaries. You cannot destroy the main building as it is required to build a warehouse, granary, or marketplace.

Artifacts in 3.5[]

With the 3.5 update to Travian, it is possible to upgrade your fields further. The Builder's Sketch artifact enables you to build the Great Warehouse and Great Granary in that village. As these buildings have triple the capacity of their regular counterparts, it is possible to build Level 20 Crop fields using seven Great Warehouses and two Great Granaries. Supposedly fields can be upgraded indefinitely on the capital in 3.5.

The following table shows how many Great Warehouses and Great Granaries are required to build up different crop field levels.


Level Wood Clay Iron Crop Great Warehouses Great Granaries Spots Filled
1 70 90 70 20 0 0 0
2 115 150 115 35 0 0 0
3 195 250 195 55 0 0 0
4 325 420 325 95 0 0 0
5 545 700 545 155 0 0 0
6 910 1170 910 260 1 0 1
7 1520 1950 1520 435 1 0 1
8 2535 3260 2535 725 1 0 1
9 4235 5445 4235 1210 1 1 2
10 7070 9095 7070 2020 1 1 2
11 11810 15185 11810 3375 1 1 2
12 19725 25360 19725 5635 1 1 2
13 32940 42350 32940 9410 1 1 2
14 55005 70720 55005 15715 1 1 2
15 91860 118105 91860 26245 1 1 2
16 153405 197240 153405 43830 1 1 2
17 256190 329385 256190 73195 2 1 3
18 427835 550075 427835 122240 3 1 4
19 714485 918625 714485 204140 4 1 5
20 1193195 1534105 1193195 340915 7 2 9
21 1992635 2561960 1992635 569325 11 3 14
22 3327700 4278470 3327700 950770 18 4 Impossible
23 5557255 7145045 5557255 1587785 30 7 Impossible
24 9280620 11932225 9280620 2651605 50 12 Impossible
25 15498630 19926810 15498630 4428180 84 19 Impossible